Tuesday, March 20, 2007
When I heard this news I laughed my heads off...God forgive me. But really, Naomi to mop floors? From walking the runways from Paris to New York to Milan, now she will walk and "clean" the floors of a dingy department of sanitation warehouse in New York. The catwalk queen and one of my role models will be getting down on her knees, you know, scrubbing. Heavenly! That will a sight to behold.
Fortunately for her, the judge in this case gave in to Campbell's request that she carry out her community service indoors, so the public won't be seeing the supermodel justice to her community...oh she's British right?lol...Cleaning floors for Americans...I can imagine her anger at this...but it's better than serving time in prison, No?
Naomi received the punishment after being found guilty of throwing a phone at her maid.
Naomi, who has been advised to wear an orange vest and workman's boots, began her sentence yesterday March 19. She will complete 5 days court-ordered community service at the manhattan garage for trah trucks
Naomi, 36, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanour assault in January, after being arrested for hurling her crystal-encrusted phone at Ana Scolavino last March. The incident left Ana needing four stitches to the head.
I hope she learns her lesson from this and never ever hit another maid again. If she's found guilty again, I'll go to the US and beg the courts to send Naomi to Nigeria to help us 'keep Lagos clean' lol.