Friday, March 23, 2007


Something really funny happened to me today...on a second thought, it really wasn't funny. Here's the story.

I called a girl on the phone to talk to her about a boy. She allowed me talk for about 3 minutes after which she said she hadn't heard a word I'd said. I cut the phone, waited for 5 minutes, then called again. Once again, she allowed me talk for about 5 minutes before telling me, again, that she hadn't heard a word. I cut the phone again, waited for about 15 minutes, hoping the service would have been better by then, but it was the same story I heard after talking for another 2/3 minutes. The girl then suggested that I text her everything I wanted to say and ask her, and she would reply me via text too. Well, seeing that she couldn't hear a word I was saying, and I really needed to pass a message to her, I agreed and sent her a text.

You guys know what happened next? About 15 minutes later, the subject of my discussion with the girl,called me to say he saw the text I sent to the girl. The girl had apparently forwarded the text I sent her to the guy. That was when it occured to me that the girl had been pretending not to hear the things I'd said to her, so I'd send her a text and implicate myself.

I found it funny at first, but then I realised that it actually wasn't funny. If it had been something very implicating, she would have had evidence.

Trust anyone you think deserves your trust, but please never under-estimate anyone. That person you think isn't smart enough might be the one to explain to you the meaning of S in Smart.

Be careful.